Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Aesthetics Committee appoints members, sets date for first meeting
The Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Replacement project is pleased to share that it has appointed 22 members to the new Bridge Aesthetics Committee, which is responsible for providing ideas and concepts for the look and feel of the new bridge and its amenities.
The project recently won a $200-million grant from the federal government and is in the process of selecting a firm to design and build the bridge. Over the next several months, the Bridge Aesthetics Committee will meet to consider themes for the following:
potential colors, textures and finishes for the bridge
furnishings (including railings, traffic barriers, overlooks, lighting and benches)
artwork and landscaping
signs, both interpretive and wayfinding (all signs will be required to meet state and federal requirements)
The committee will meet four times and will hold multiple public events (both in-person and online) to present ideas to the public and gather feedback. Members will take public feedback into account as they compile recommendations into an Aesthetic Guidance Memorandum, which the bridge designers will consult during the design process.
The committee will not be advising designers on the following:
structural type of the bridge (e.g. arch vs. truss)
the bridge’s structural material (e.g. concrete vs. steel)
exact location, height or width of the bridge
speed limit, lane width, or location or design of street connections
Overall, the committee will help ensure that the bridge and furnishings express the region’s unique cultural identity and reflect the exceptional natural beauty of the Columbia River Gorge.
The committee consists of public agencies and nonprofits with a connection and vested interest in the Columbia River Gorge, as well as community members residing in the area.
Project staff invited members of the public to apply for the community member seats. The six public members were selected based on how well they met a set of pre-defined selection criteria, which took into account background, lived experience, and diversity of perspectives.
Committee membership includes:
Three Washington residents
Three Oregon residents
Hood River-White Salmon Bridge Authority
City of Bingen
City of Hood River
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Oregon Investment Board
Columbia Riverkeeper
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Federal Highway Administration
Friends of the Columbia Gorge
Oregon Department of Transportation
U.S. Forest Service
Washington State Parks & Recreation
Washington Trust for Historic Preservation
Some organizations have multiple representatives. A full list of the members, including their names, is available at hoodriverbridge.org/aesthetics-committee.
The first committee meeting is scheduled for 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13. Members of the public are welcome to attend via Zoom. Please visit the link above and scroll down to the public meetings section for details.